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Bearing Fruit

Elizabeth Farm is growing… FAST! We are blessed with a God who has answered our prayers, and with a community that has provided so much support. It has only been a few months since we broke ground at Elizabeth Farm, and we have already seen exponential growth. I want to share with you what God has done, what He is doing, and what we are asking Him, and YOU to do.

When we first started, we had no set garden plots. We now have four active plots, and a melon patch! We have planted about fifty tomato plants (a few different varieties) in the first, about fifty pepper plants (a few different varieties) in the second, multiple types of beans in the third, and we will plant okra and a few other vegetables in the fourth. Thanks to the help of our wonderful volunteers, we have three beautiful trellises set up in our melon patch, and plants will go in the ground within the next few days. We have also added seven chickens and four rabbits, one of which we believe is pregnant. BABY BUNNIES!!

Through a partnership with Leadership Temple and 93 Nursery and Landscape, we received a generous donation of $1000 worth of fruit trees, native plants, and native flowers. Now we have peaches, plums, figs, and pomegranates (all planted by volunteers) that will provide fresh fruit, and will be a great resource for our jams and jellies. Elizabeth Farm is literally bearing fruit! God is so good!

We are currently working on tearing old fencing down, expanding our rabbit colony, building mobile chicken coops to house more chickens, planting fruits and vegetables, and continuing day to day maintenance around the property. We are so humbled to be able to participate in the work that God has laid before us. This is where we ask you to continue to pray and work alongside us.

We have BIG plans for Elizabeth Farm. Our plan and vision remains, to prepare the way for the Lord, and to meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of our community. We believe so much in this vision for Elizabeth Farm and are working toward it every day. We desire for you to join us in this vision. Together we can provide healthy food, purposeful work, a place to worship, and a place to see what community can truly do together.

Two ways that you can help us are by giving resources and volunteering. We will always need help and volunteers, as that is how we can fully operate. Please continue to pray with us for the farm and its impact. We also have a wish list with 93 Nursery and Landscape if you go check them out! If you would like to give, volunteer, or if you have questions, contact me at