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Elizabeth Farm

“But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great before the Lord.” Luke 1:13-15

Elizabeth Farm was born out of a desire to serve the people of Feed My Sheep Temple (FMS). My good friend Casey Mooney, Director of Operations at FMS, was given the vision of using this 5 acre farm, located right outside of Temple, to meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of people, with the ultimate goal of showing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. I share this vision and passion with Casey, and I am blessed to now be the Elizabeth Farm Director.

John the Baptist, the son of Elizabeth, was born for one sole purpose… to prepare the way for the Lord. Through faith in Christ, we experience the forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, and the promise of eternal life with God in a perfect new world. At Elizabeth Farm, we are determined to do everything that we can to prepare a place for people to see who God is, and the purpose that He has given to man (to glorify and enjoy Him forever).

God has created everything with a purpose. This includes how we are to take care of and have dominion over what He has given us. At Elizabeth Farm, we are implementing practices to create and sustain thriving ecosystems teeming with life. We are focusing on regenerative practices such as building soil health, taking proper care of animals so they will provide for us, encouraging biodiversity of plants and animals, making compost from food waste and natural materials, practicing rainwater storage, and providing a place for people to come see and reap the benefits of God’s creation.

We are growing healthy fruits and vegetables, and we are determined to provide milk, eggs, and eventually other products and services that can meet physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of our community. Connection with the land and the beings that inhabit it has always been a reality in human history. Our society has slowly moved away from this reality, but at Elizabeth Farm, we are bringing it back!

At Elizabeth Farm, we are creating a God centered community that can show the world how to treat God’s creation, culminating in His greatest creation, our fellow humans. We have the ability to prepare the way. We have the ability to meet needs and truly do life together. Join us on this journey of endless possibilities!

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